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  • VAT Exemption

    Eligibility Declaration for VAT exemption:

    You are eligible to purchase wigs and top pieces VAT-free provided they are for your personal use. You do not need to be registered disabled or eligible for any other benefit to qualify for VAT-free goods You must however have a medical condition under the HMRC category of “chronically sick or disabled”.

    For VAT purposes, the term ‘chronically sick or disabled’ does not include a person who’s only temporarily disabled or incapacitated, for example someone who’s elderly but is not chronically sick or disabled.

    • * You do not have to pay VAT when you buy wigs & toppers due to a medical condition, i.e. alopecia, whilst undergoing chemotherapy treatment.
    • * VAT-free only applies to Wigs & toppers. Accessories are not available VAT exempt.

    How to Order

    1 You can always place your order via our web site directly, where you will not be charged VAT, provided you are eligible for VAT exemption and complete the Eligibility Declaration at the time of ordering.

    2 - If you have in the last 60 days placed and received an order inclusive of VAT you can still claim back the VAT by completing the Eligibility Declaration below. Then email vat@daxbourne.com confirming your order ID and that you have completed the declaration. Go to 4 below.

    3)If you prefer to telephone your order rather than placing it on our web site, you can complete the Eligibility Declaration below and then contact the sales team to place your order. 

    Go to 4 below.

    For any queries about a VAT refund please email vat@daxbourne.com and quote your order number 

    Please Note - There are penalties for making false declarations. If you are in any doubt as to whether you are eligible to receive goods or services zero-rated for VAT you should consult

    Notice 701/7 VAT reliefs for disabled/ Chronically Ill people or contact the National Advice Service on 0845 010 9000 before signing the declaration.

    4) Eligibility Declaration for VAT Exemption

    I, First Name:
    Last Name: , of
    Email Address:
    declare that I am chronically sick or have a disabling condition by reason of: (give full and specific description of your condition)

    and that I claim relief from value added tax. (VAT) from Daxbourne International, PO Box 884,  Edgware, HA8 4XL



    NOTES on VAT rebate from Customs

    The zero-rating of goods and services is only eligible for disabled people, ie if you are handicapped, a charity or certain other eligible bodies.

    Please note there are penalties for making false declarations.